Snow Emergency in effect for Bridgeport

Bridgeport – In anticipation of the pending winter storm due to impact Bridgeport beginning early tomorrow morning, Mayor Joe Ganim today is declaring a snow emergency for the city to take effect at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, Wednesday, February 8, 2017. During the snow emergency, residents must move their cars off posted snow emergency streets. Alternate side of the street parking rules are in effect as of 1:00 p.m. today for all other streets throughout the city in order to allow snow plow drivers’ clear passage. Alternate side parking will be in effect until further notice. Snow emergency streets are marked with white signs with red lettering. A list of snow streets can be found on the City’s website by clicking here or the full link:
No parking is allowed on snow emergency streets. Vehicles left on snow emergency streets after the ban goes into effect will be subject to fines and towing. Commercial and/or residential owners who push snow into the streets or do not clear snow on the sidewalks in front of their buildings are subject to a $100.00 fine per ordinance for each incidence. Current forecasts from the National Weather Service predict that Bridgeport will receive a total of 8 to 10 inches of snow that will begin to fall sometime around 3:00 a.m. Thursday, February 8, 2017.
During the storm, residents may call the Bridgeport Emergency Operations Center hotline at 203-579-3829 with any snow related emergencies. If any residents suffer a loss of electric power, they can call the United Illuminating customer hotline at 800-722-5584. Both hotline numbers will be fully staffed and operating 24 hours a day during the snow emergency. Snow emergency parking areas are available throughout the City. A full list of parking areas can be found at the following link: Parking in the school parking lots listed will be permitted beginning this evening. Vehicles parked at the schools should be removed by 6:00 a.m. Friday, February 10, 2017
For the latest updates, resources and information about the snowstorm, residents are asked to check, local television and radio news outlets and follow the City of Bridgeport on Twitter and Facebook.