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Notice to Taxpayers - Redding and Georgetown

NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS REDDING AND GEORGETOWN THE SECOND INSTALLMENT OF REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES ON THE GRAND LIST OF OCTOBER 1, 2015, IS DUE AND PAYABLE JANUARY 1, 2017. TAX BILLS WERE MAILED IN JUNE, 2016, WITH COPIES PROVIDED FOR THE JANUARY, 2017, INSTALLMENT. FAILURE TO RECEIVE A TAX BILL DOES NOT EXEMPT YOU FROM PAYMENT OF TAX OR PENALTY. Tax bills can be viewed and/or paid online by going to: Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes are due January 1, 2017. Payments are not considered delinquent if received or postmarked by February 1, 2017. Payments postmarked February 2, 2017, or brought to the office on or after February 2, 2017, will be considered delinquent and will carry an interest penalty of three (3%) percent. Interest will be charged at the rate of eighteen (18%) percent annually or one and one-half (1.5%) percent per month, in accordance with CONNECTICUT GENERAL STATUTES. There is a $2.00 minimum interest charge per installment. SUPPLEMENTAL MOTOR VEHICLE TAX BILLS Supplemental Motor Vehicle Taxes on the Grand List of October 1, 2015, are due and payable in full January 1, 2017. Supplemental Motor Vehicles were not registered on October 1, 2015, but registered subsequent to October 2, 2015, and prior to August 1, 2016. Supplemental Tax bills are prorated from the month of registration. Payments and interest charges are due as stated above. The Tax Collector’s Office is open Monday thru Wednesday from 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and Thursday 8:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Town Hall is closed on Fridays. Questions concerning assessments and/or MOTOR VEHICLES that have been SOLD, LOST, STOLEN or NO LONGER OWNED should be addressed to the Assessor’s Office, 938-2626. For questions concerning BACK TAXES, PAYMENTS OR PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS, please call the Tax Collector at (203) 938-2706. Please check “” to view bills or to make an online payment. MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover, are accepted forms of payment but bear a two and one half per cent fee. Patricia J. Moisio, C.C.M.C. Town of Redding Tax Collector

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