Sully's Sports: Talking sports with the Birdman

Let’s call it appoint programming, because if you are a passionate sports fan, you know the place to be on Tuesday nights from seven to nine p.m. is tuned in too WICC, 600 on your AM radio dial.
That’s because John Crowe also known as "The Bird” is hosting his latest venture “Talkin’ Sports with The Bird,” a homage to all things sports related. For 13 years he was part of the innovative and ground breaking show as co-host with Bobby Ramos of the wildly popular Sports Talk in Black 'N' White, and more recently over the past 4 years as the originator and host of Talkin Sports with the Bird where I dove into the world of sports with the passion, opinions and knowledge that can only come from playing and watching all sports as a little kid.
In fact as host of his solo show, Crowe brings out the little kid in all of us die hard sports fans, regardless of our age. I must admit a little bit of bias here as I have a frequent guest on Sports Talk in Black and White and will be a guest with The Bird on Tuesday night, December 20th. Bird likes to talk Yankees, Mets, Knicks, Nets, Giants and Jets as well as the the UCONN Huskies. On Tuesday, though, there may be a little Bridgeport sports talk thrown in. The platform is the callers and they know they are going to be heard, and they don't even get mad when The Bird gets the last word. The host talks to the sports stars of today and yesterday and gets into things with the stars that you normally don't hear on other radio stations. Weekly trivia contests will give you a chance to win gift certificates to local restaurants as well as tickets to sporting events. The Tri-State area deserves a talk show for the rabid fan, the person that needs a break from the same old X's and O's talk, while giving them something to think and talk about the next day. Unlike other radio stations, and you know who you are, The Bird prides himself on two way discussion, letting you voice your opinion as it is just as important as his. New York City sports talk shows are not generally well known for being caller friendly. However that is Crowe’s major strong point. Not only is he a wealth of sports knowledge but he lets his callers put in their two cents as well.
“We all know many of the talk shows on bigger stations are all about the host,” explained The Bird. “It is completely ego driven and I think that is a turnoff. I think if we can get a good dialogue going and get the audience engaged, then we are doing our job the right way.”
So sports fans, for radio show that serves up in depth interviews, lively discussion and chances to win prizes in a number of contests then be sure and tune in to Talkin’ Sports with The Bird.