Ganim to Swear-in New Bridgeport Police Academy Class Sunday December 4th at 4:00 p.m.

WHO: Mayor Joe Ganim, Bridgeport Police Chief AJ Perez, Bridgeport City Council members, Bridgeport Police Officials, New Bridgeport Police Recruits, families, other dignitaries
WHAT: Mayor Ganim to join Bridgeport Police Chief AJ Perez, other police officials, Bridgeport city council members and other dignitaries to officially swear in the new class of 22 recruits into the Bridgeport Police Academy. The new class is the 2nd class to enter the academy so far this year, fulfilling the Mayor’s commitment to hiring 100 new Bridgeport Police Officers. The class also represents the diversity of the city.
WHEN: Sunday December 4, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.
WHERE: Bridgeport City Council Chambers, 45 Lyon Terrace, Bridgeport,