Snooky and the Gang are back and talking elections and a lot more

It had been quite some time since I ventured into Jumbo’s Corner to talk city politics with Snooky and the Gang. Given the recent Bridgeport Board of Education upheaval and the November elections on the horizon, I thought it might be a good idea to learn what the boys were thinking.
I pushed open the door to the neighborhood café and immediately heard Snooky bellow, “You’re crazy Shorty. It’s obvious you still don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Snooky had recently returned from parts unknown, but still had managed to keep abreast of Park City politics. Now his ire was focused on Shorty McGill, who was noisily chomping into a bologna and cheese sandwich with Miracle Whip.
While taking a sip of cappuccino Snooky opined, “If you think Maria Pariah has any influence left in Bridgeport you’re crazier than she is. She has about as much political juice as a dried up raisin.”
“I’m not saying Maria Pariah has any juice,” muttered Shorty McGill. “I’m just saying it’s a great move by Dennis Bradley to halt Board of Ed meetings until she resigns but she’s never going to resign. Hey Q, how about another bologna and cheese on a hard roll – with Grey Poupon this time.”
Q quickly supplied Shorty McGill with his sandwich by sliding it the length of the bar and it was soon devoured.
The Attorney with a Helmet added as he sipped from his glass of amber colored liquid, “Don’t forget there are other issues in the city besides Dennis Bradley and the Board of Ed. Household Hazardous Materials Collection Day at Blackham School. That’s something all Bridgeporters should take advantage of.”
KC sighed and pointed out, “There are also elections coming up guys. Not just Trump and Clinton but some key local votes too.”
The Trojan Guitarist piped up and said, “Look at the 22hd District. You have Elaine Hammers from Trumbull challenging Marilyn Moore from Bridgeport for the state Senate. Who is going to be stronger the Trumbull Republicans or the Bridgeport Democrats. Monroe doesn’t matter.”
Bob the Republican chirped up saying, “That doesn’t matter. Donald Trump has long coattails and he is going to sweep the nation – including Connecticut.”
“You’re crazy,” shouted Snooky as he downed the last of his cappuccino.
As soon as Snooky drained his cup a gust of wind blew in and the Fearless Leader strode through the door.
“I THINK THE Trojan Guitarist makes a fine point,” vehemed the Fearless Leader. “There are many local races and we also have Congress and Senate races in Connecticut. And I’m sure none of us have forgotten about Trump and Hillary, especially you Bob the Republican. So the important thing to remember is to go out and vote. It’s also important to remember that we have stuffed peppers and chicken ala king for specials today.”
And with that utterance he was gone, exiting as quickly as he had entered.
“And we didn’t even get a chance to thank him,” said KC.
Snooky yelled, “I still say you’re crazy.”
He was still talking, but I wasn’t around to hear it. I left having had enough arguing for one day. But I’ll be back again soon.