Mayor Ganim and Bridgeport City Transition Task Force Releases Final Report

Seven Transition Task Force Committees Made Recommendations on Everything from Schools to Policing, Blight to Economic Development
Bridgeport – Mayor Joe Ganim today joined many of the 75-member Bridgeport transition task force to release their final report and recommendations on the various challenges and opportunities the city faces and how city government should be structured to address the needs of Bridgeport residents. Joining Mayor-elect Ganim to review the findings of the report were the three transition task force co-chairs: State Representative Charles Stallworth (D-126) who is also pastor of the East End Tabernacle and Senior Advisor to Mayor Ganim, University of Bridgeport President Neil Albert Salonen, and former Bridgeport Town Clerk Alma Maya. The overall Bridgeport city transition task contained 75 members who served on seven committees. A complete listing of the task force membership and the committees follows at the end of this news release. The mission of each committee of the was to gather information, obtain public input, and work together to write a report summarizing their particular area of public policy and offer an array of recommendations and proposals for Mayor Ganim to consider. The complete final transition task force report will be posted online at
“I am very proud of this team effort,” said Mayor Ganim. “After just eight weeks in office our administration has so many challenges. We are trying to close a $20 million budget deficit and negotiate more favorable labor contracts, while responding to storms and fires and focus on policing methods that make our neighborhoods safer. We are also reorganizing city government in a way that best serves the people of Bridgeport. This transition report will help serve as a guide for all of the things we want to accomplish. I am so grateful for the thorough work done by these diligent committees and the diverse array of voices active in our transition process to show us the way forward. This report represents all communities, stakeholders, and socio-economic backgrounds in Bridgeport. This administration is listening to its citizens and the actions and policies we pursue for Bridgeport in the future will reflect all of the ideas in this document.”
Bridgeport transition task force co-chairs Neil Salonen, President of the University of Bridgeport, said, “It was really inspiring to sit with a broad cross-section of our fellow citizens, who communicated their ideas for improving life in our City. We all know the administration has a lot of issues which need attention...there was a clear hope that communicating the primary concerns of the average citizen would help the new administration set its initial priorities.”
Task force co-chair and former Bridgeport Town Clerk Alma Maya said, “I want to thank Mayor Ganim for initiating this process and asking me to be a part of it. I expect that he will strongly consider the community's recommendations as he moves forward in the implementation of his vision for our City.”
Bridgeport Finance Director Ken Flatto, a transition task force leader, said, “The Transition Task Force has come up with dozens of invaluable recommendations which should help the City of Bridgeport immensely and I was thrilled to be involved to help all the Committees with their tremendous efforts.”
Among the recommendations of the transition task force:
· Government Operations
o Review vacancies and expired terms for Boards and Commissions
o Establish and Office of Public Integrity and Accountability
o Modernize the building department processes and permitting
· Transparency
o Review the purchasing process for consolidated or bulk ordering potential
o Seek to implement Total Quality Management
· Economic Development
o Develop a standardized tax abatement policy with clear limits and transparency
o Remove or upgrade outdated parking meters
· Community and Neighborhood Services
o Establish initiatives for ex-offenders
o Improve city web site and expand public information
o Work to expand and seek more affordable housing
· Education
o Find creative ways to offer incentive programs to attract and maintain good quality teachers
· Public Safety
o Make Bridgeport Police Department an accredited law enforcement organization
o Diversify the Police Force
o Hire more officers
The Bridgeport transition task force comprised the following members who served on the following committees:
Transition Committees:
· Community and Neighborhood Services
o Review and summarize issues affecting and impacting neighborhoods, residents, and underserved communities; Recommend various policies and ideas to improve the community and to enhance quality of life.
o Members:
§ Dr. Ralph Ford, Chair (East End community leader)
§ Jose Ortiz, Co - Chair, Pres. Hispanic Health Group
§ John Paul Esteves, Disability Resource Network
§ Rev. Janene Hawkins, Former Pastor, Walters Memorial Zion Church
§ Rep. Jack Hennessy, Chair, Bridgeport State Delegation
§ Gil Hernandes, Jr, community leader
§ Rev. Mary McBride-Lee, Councilmember 135th
§ Milta Feliciano, City Councilmember
§ Shaquana Shaw, P.T. Barnum tenant leader
§ Elizabeth Torres, Dir. Bridgeport Neighborhood Trust
§ Maria Valle, GBAPP and community activist
· Economic Development and Small Business
o Review and summarize current economic development projects and issues facing the small business sector and job creation; Recommend policies to improve the business climate, enhance ongoing projects, and to encourage new and additional job growth and development.
o Members:
§ Rina Bakalar - Committee Co - Chair, consultant United Way
§ Mickey Herbert - Committee Co-Chair, Herbert Consulting
§ Stephanie Barnes, Pres-elect, Greater Ffld Board of Realtors
§ Jim Carbone, The Plastics Factory
§ Richard Carraro, West End Bus Assn
§ Peter Carroll, Fairfield County Bus Trades
§ Rosalie Christy, Trumbull Gardens activist/tutor
§ John Cotter, Nutmeg Adjusters
§ Randy Fescoe, PEP-Lacey Manufacturing
§ Barbara Gonzalez, Beyond Homecare Staffing
§ Brandon Hall , Forstone Capital
§ Tyisha Toms, Esq., Co - Chair, Attorney
· Education and Youth
o Review and summarize issues facing youth and the public education system; Recommend how government can partner and assist to make improvements in education and youth programs.
o Members:
§ Scott Hughes, Committee Chair, City Librarian
§ Dr. John Petillo - Committee Co - Chair, Pres, Sacred Heart U
§ Donna Andrade, Educator/Teacher
§ Dennis Bradley, BOE member elect
§ Dr. Paul Broadie, Pres. Housatonic CC
§ Mary Cameron, community activist
§ Lissette Colon. Education specialist
§ Bob Hastead, City Council member 133rd
§ Terrance O'Connor, ED Sheehan Center
§ Christina Miranda, In School Susp Officer
§ Mary Pat Healy, Exec. Director - Bridgeport Child Advocacy Coalition
§ Dan Shamas, retired, former member of Board of Education
· Government Operations and Financial Policies
o Review and summarize government activities, management, human resources practices, organizational structure, and resource allocations; Recommend efficiencies, process improvements, cost-savings, and restructuring possibilities.
o Members:
§ John Gomes - Committee Chair, small business owner
§ Shante Hanks, Committee Co- Chair, aide Rep. Jim Himes
§ Joseph Carbone, CEO Workplace Inc
§ Charlie Carroll, Bridgeport Parks Director
§ Christine Gonzalez, Partner, Blum Shapiro
§ Jack Daley, Daley Construction
§ Juan Hernandez, East side businessman
§ Timothy Hodges, VP Gov Relations, Peoples United Bank
§ Bruce Hubler, former VP Dun & Bradstreet
§ Michelle Lyons, City Council Member
§ Glenn Marshall, former state Labor Commissioner
§ Valerie Sorrentino, former Pres, LIUNA Unit
· Government Accountability and Transparency
o Review and summarize city government ethics policies, Freedom of Information laws and other open government practices; Recommend improvements to ensure accountability and transparency.
o Members:
§ Edward Adams - Committee Chair, retired FBI
§ Ray Ganim, Esq. Committee Co – Chair, Ganim & Associates
§ Lisa Parziale, former City Council President
§ Charlie Coviello, activist/former Mayoral candidate
§ Nick Khamarji, Jr., New Engalnd Insurance
§ Raul Laffitte, Dir. of Tsptn BOE
§ Michael Luzzi, Esq. Dolan & Luzzi
§ Eneida Martinez, Councilmember
§ Rev. Willaim McCullough, Rusell Temple
§ Tom Mulligan, Esq. McNamara & Kenny
§ Pastor Courtney Williams, Refuge Temple Church
· Public Safety and Emergency Services
o Review and summarize issues facing public safety and emergency related services; Recommend approach and policies that could prevent and reduce crime and enhance neighborhood safety.
o Members:
§ Steve Nelson - Committee Chair, Sheriff-elect
§ Wilbur Chapman - Committee Co-Chair, former Police Chief
§ Chuck Paris, Committee Co-Chair, Pres. Bridgeport Police Unit# 1159
§ Lisa Anderson, Bgport BOE Spcl Ed
§ Hector Diaz, former State Rep
§ David Dobbs, VP Firefighters IAFF Local 834
§ Jeff Kohut, community activist/consultant
§ Rev. Martha Melvin, Deliverance Kingdom Church
§ Neil Guilford, Trumbull Gardens/ NCC
§ Pablo Jimenez, P.J. Garden Exchange
§ State Rep. Ezequiel Santiago, (D-130)
§ Sheila Vega, Firefighter engineer