Mary-Margaret Walsh takes the reins as Development Director at CAFC

Norwalk – The Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County (CAFC) is pleased to announce the addition of Mary-Margaret Walsh as their new Director of Development. Mary-Margaret comes to CAFC with over twenty years’ experience in the corporate, not-for-profit, and entrepreneurial arenas. She joins CAFC at an exciting time as the organization has grown to serve a membership of over 225 nonprofit arts and cultural organizations and creative businesses, and well over 120 individual artists, all located within Fairfield County. Mary-Margaret worked for over 14 years at Chase Manhattan Bank, where she served as a vice president, responsible for marketing to women and multicultural communities, new business development, and community development programs. She also served as the president of MMW associates, a strategic planning and social media marketing consulting firm in Danbury, with a client list that included the Ridgefield Playhouse, the Palace Theatre Danbury (members of CAFC), and Bridgewater Associates. In addition, Mary-Margaret served as a director of the Bank of Fairfield. A Danbury resident, Mary-Margaret has donated her time and expertise to the Fairfield Foundation for Education, the Fairfield Rotary, and the Fairfield University Alumni Association. Mary-Margaret holds a Bachelor of Arts from Fairfield University and was a recipient of the Loyola Medal for her service to developing arts and culture on campus. An actress, cellist and long term volunteer at the Palace Danbury, Mary-Margaret is “…thrilled to be able to combine my passion for business with my life-long artistic interests and serve an organization like the Cultural Alliance that exists at the crossroads of these two exciting areas.” Mary-Margaret will work to build enduring relationships throughout the community, growing the Alliance’s community of supporters from corporations and business, to foundations and individuals. The mission of the Cultural Alliance of Fairfield County is to support the cultural organizations, artists, individuals and creative businesses, of the region, by providing promotion, services, and advocacy. Fairfield County’s premier arts & culture organization works to build partnerships in the arts and culture sector and the community at large and promote a unified arts and cultural brand for Fairfield County – FCBuzz. For more information, visit or call 203-256- 2329.