Author Tim Green brings his latest youth novel 'Kid Owner' to Fairfield U. Bookstore

You just have to wonder. Is there anything this Tim Green guy can't do?
I mean just take a look at the record. He is a lawyer, although that is to be expected seeing as he was co-valedictorian of his class at Syracuse University, a standout football player for the Orangemen and two time Academic All-American, a first round NFL draft pick, an excellent defensive lineman for the Atlanta Falcons, a football announcer, TV host and commentator on NPR.
I may have missed a few but you get the idea. There is one facet of Tim Green’s extraordinary wealth of experiences that is not mentioned above and that is best-selling author. And this is the reason Green is coming to Fairfield.
The author will be holding a book signing at the Fairfield University Bookstore, 1499 Post Road at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 13. Green will be discussing his latest book, “Kid Owner,” which was published two weeks ago. Copies of “Kid Owner will be available at the book store.
“This is a book about Ryan Zinna, who never knew his father but when the owner of the Dallas Cowboys unexpectedly dies, Ryan learns that the Cowboys owner was also his father and that he has inherited the team,” said Green. “Things are going great at first but then everything gets a little dicey.”
Ryan tries to parlay his newfound status into more playing time on his own football team and a legal challenge from Ryan’s evil stepmother. Ryan lives at home with his real Mom, but his stepmother has all the charm of Cinderella’s evil stepmother. How Ryan copes with his newfound fame and serious challenges is what the book is really all about.
“It’s written for middle school kids or also for elementary school kids who are reading at a high level,” explained the author. “The chapters are short and it’s designed for the reader to keep turning the pages. So I think it’s a page turner and that’s supposed to be my job.”
The book succeeds in keeping the reader wondering what is going to happen next. I was fortunate enough to get a copy of “Kid Owner” at the Fairfield University Bookstore and I thought it was great. And I am a New England Patriots fan. And they just beat the Cowboys by the way. But please excuse me, I am digressing.
Tim Green has a way of reaching kids and he does it by writing crisply about subjects they can relate to, most notably sports. It’s no wonder he was recently described on Fox and Friends as “the modern day Matt Christopher. For the uninitiated, Matt Christopher wrote more than 100 sports themed books for kids, and was wildly popular. I devoured them when I was child as kids are devouring Green’s books today. He has sold more than a million copies.
“The most fun I have with these books is when some kid comes up to me and says Mr. Green I just read your book and it’s great,” he said. “That makes me feel real happy.”
He has also authored books for adults, which include “The Dark Side of the Game,” and “American Outrage.” A friend of mine gave me “The Dark Side of the Game” a few years back as a Christmas present and it too was a great read.
Green is also deeply involved with the NFL’s Play 60 program, which encourages kids to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. He has upgraded the program to Play 60/Read 20, encouraging kids to also read 20 minutes every day.
“It’s exercise for the brain and it also helps them become better students,” said Ryan Zinna’s creator. “But it’s not just me; there are a lot of NFL players involved. In the program.”
For more information about Tim Green’s appearance at the Fairfield University Bookstore, please call 203/255-7756.