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Former Mayor Joseph P. Ganim to Get Endorsement of First & Oldest VFW Post in Connecticut

BRIDGEPORT - Former Bridgeport Mayor Joseph P. Ganim, who held the line on taxes for 10 straight years as mayor, will receive the full endorsement of VFW Post 145 during a meeting Thursday evening.

Ganim, who is credited with bringing the city of Bridgeport back from bankruptcy, met with high-ranking officials of the Raymond W. Harris Post on Saturday, at their post on East Main Street.

"We are here to endorse you, and to do whatever it is that we can for you," said Post 145 Commander Ralph Moreo.

Moreo, 88, a U. S. Navy veteran of World War II, told Ganim, "We believe in you. You supported us in the past, and we know that when you are elected mayor in November, you will support us again."

The post, the first and the oldest VFW in Connecticut, was incorporated in May of 1919.

"I am honored to receive your (Ralph) endorsement, and look forward to receiving the endorsement of the rest of the veterans on Thursday," said Ganim, who served as mayor of Bridgeport from 1991-2003.

The meeting of the 158 former war veterans is set for 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the post, 2198 East Main Street.

The former mayor is also credited with reducing crime in Bridgeport as a result of the implementation of community policing and opening precincts in all neighborhoods, as well as bring in major economic development into the City, including the Arena at Harbor Yard and the Bridgeport Bluefish.

Moreo took the opportunity to blast the current administration. "He (Mayor Finch) has not been here once since he was elected mayor.

"We need help. We need a new building....and Mayor Finch does nothing," said Moreo.

Ganim promised to help the post in any way that he could. "I am here to support you. You have my word that I will help you raise money, locate, whatever it is that is best for you (Ralph) and the other members of the post," said Ganim.

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