Ganim Welcomes Students Back to School and Announces Major Education Plans for Next Year

(BRIDGEPORT) Today, former mayor Joe Ganim marked the unofficial end of summer by welcoming students back to school and pledging to make education improvements for Bridgeport Public Schools one of his initiatives upon taking office.
"Serving as a champion for youth to create positive programs must be a top priority and I intend to make a profound difference for our school system and an effective reliable partner for all those who care about educating our students", stated Joe Ganim.
Former Mayor Ganim continued, "On day one of my Administration, I will ask the Superintendent and education officials to meet to discuss their top goals and to begin a truly collaborative approach with the school district. I will undertake a series of meetings during the school year with teachers, school administrators and education leaders.”
The big difference Ganim pointed out between how he prioritizes education in comparison to the Finch Administration is, “I would never, nor will I ever delegate to some aide or staffer the job of improving our schools. Nor will I allow outside special interests to co-opt our educational system for their own private priorities.”
The education initiatives Ganim pledges for his Mayoralty are:
1. Reducing class size and student to teacher ratios.
2. Create better city-school programs to reduce school drop-out rates and prevent absenteeism.
3. Establish more after-school programs for youth.
4. Fight to gain more state aid for Bridgeport Public Schools and promise to never take funds or services away from our school system.
5. Create more job opportunities for recent high school and college graduates and more summer job opportunities for high school students.
6. I will never seek to deprive or limit school voting rights of parents and families who should elect their education officials.
"Serving as a champion for youth to create positive programs must be a top priority and I intend to make a profound difference for our school system as an effective reliable partner for all those who care about educating our students", stated Joe Ganim.