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Letter writer is supporting Ganim for mayor and not Foster

Recently, Mary Jane Foster and her campaign issued a political flier that contains a picture of Mary Jane and me together. To me and many others, the flier unfortunately gives the impression that I am supporting her. I want to make it perfectly clear to my congregation, my fellow clergy, and the residents of Bridgeport that I am wholeheartedly and enthusiastically supporting JOE GANIM for Mayor. Our City is facing the tremendous challenges of rampant violent crime, high property taxes, a failing education system, and a lack of jobs. Therefore, I believe Joe Ganim is the best qualified to lead our City and improve our residents' quality of life. I believe that Mary Jane Foster and her campaign inadvertently used my picture, and I also know that all campaigns make mistakes. I am sure that Mary Jane Foster will apologize to me for her misstep.

Thank you.

Reverend David O. Miller

Pastor, New Hope Missionary Baptist Church


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