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BRIDGEPORT – Mary-Jane Foster, Democratic candidate in the mid-September primary election, announced today the opening of her East Side campaign headquarters located at 305 Knowlton Street.

The Foster for Bridgeport campaign has opened their East Side campaign headquarters located at 305 Knowlton Street. “The East Side is chronically neglected. I am reaching out to a community that is all too often overlooked despite its enormous potential,” Foster stated.

“We need a mayor who can wrap her arms around this city and reverse the neglect incurred by years of incompetence and corruption. Bridgeport deserves better than career politicians who take advantage of our diverse communities when it is time for them to get elected,” she charged.

“Our great city is facing serious problems, and we need serious people to solve them,” said Foster. “Now that the days of racing to open phony and unlawful police substations are behind us, let’s roll up our sleeves and start talking about what really matters here; the problems and issues folks face all across our city.”

“I hear from residents all over the East Side about the lack of jobs and opportunities, unfit living conditions, and violence that plagues them on nearly a daily basis,” said Foster. “Under the Finch administration that may be the status quo, but under a Foster administration, that all comes to an end.”

“I’m running for mayor because we are haunted by our past and plagued by the present. I’m running for mayor because Bridgeport deserves better,” Foster concluded.

Mary-Jane Foster is a Democratic Candidate in the Primary Election for Mayor of Bridgeport Connecticut. The Primary will be held on Wednesday, September 16, 2015.

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