Bridgeport Beat: Some holiday thoughts and holiday scattershootings
Scattershooting around the city of Bridgeport while watching the snow melt in these mid-50 temperatures and pondering if a certain school...

Bridgeport Blurb: The Pereira strikes again!
Now get this! Amazingly, the latest group to be harassing poor Maria Pereira is none other than the Bridgeport Police Department. Yep,...

Bridgeport Beat: Budget blues and the Bluefish; here's rooting for the Fish
The Bridgeport Bluefish played a solid baseball game Wednesday night, defatting Lancaster Barnstormers 4-2 behind the stalwart pitching...

Sully's Sports: The Bluefish launch their most crucial season in Bridgeport
As I strode under the I-95 overpass on my way to The Ballpark at Harbor Yard for the Bluefish home opener against the New Britain Bees, I...

Bridgeport Beat: An Editor Clears Out the Clutter From His Desk
Scattershooting around the city of Bridgeport while waiting for winter to finally say farewell…Although it has been a two months since...